monocles Services#
These require a monocles account to be used.
List of Services#
monocles chat#
Your XMPP Server
- Included in all Monocles Account Subscriptions
monocles ocean#
Your personal Cloud
- Requires a monocles full account
- monocles confer#
Your Videoconferencing Solution
monocles mail#
Your privacy - first eMail Service
- Included in all Monocles Account Subscriptions.
monocles search#
A Privacy - focussed Search Engine
Does not require a Monocles Account Subscription.
Your new, decentralized Social Network
- Requires a monocles full Account
Known Issues and Limitations#
Terms of Service#
All monocles Services are subject to monocles' Terms of Service.
Services Require Internet Connectivity#
All monocles Services require connection to the Servers that host them.
- In case of censorship, we do recommend to use monocles Browser over Tor using Orbot or Tor Browser on your desktop or ideally boot into Tails for maximum safety and anonymity.
As of now, there are no general blocks of monocles' Services known to us.#
Please let us know if you encounter some that aren't attributed to a Corporate or ISP firewall.