monocles Services#

These require a monocles account to be used.

List of Services#

monocles chat#

Your XMPP Server

monocles ocean#

Your personal Cloud

- monocles confer#

Your Videoconferencing Solution

monocles mail#

Your privacy - first eMail Service

A Privacy - focussed Search Engine

Does not require a Monocles Account Subscription.

Your new, decentralized Social Network

Known Issues and Limitations#

Terms of Service#

All monocles Services are subject to monocles' Terms of Service.

Services Require Internet Connectivity#

All monocles Services require connection to the Servers that host them.

As of now, there are no general blocks of monocles' Services known to us.#

Please let us know if you encounter some that aren't attributed to a Corporate or ISP firewall.