Buy a monocles Account Voucher#

Ideal as a gift for friends and family!

An easy to use option!#

Whether you want to get someone a good and privacy-oriented alternative to Services like Gmail or just want to be able to conveniently top-up multiple accounts of friends, family members or customers, monocles Account Vouchers are a convenient option.

Where to buy#

Monocles Store#

You can buy directly from monocles using PayPal, Stripe, Monero, SEPA Wire Transfer and Cash-By-Mail

Monocles Starter#
Monocles Full#
Other Stores#
Coming son...#


Known Issues and Limitations#

Minimum Voucher Duration is 6 months#

This is due to the fact that monocles already has very low prices and smaller / shorter subscriptons than 6 months would only increase the cost for all subscribers.

  • Quarterly or monthly subscriptions would be unreasonably expensive due to the cost of processing payments to the point that they would almost as expensive as a 6-months subscription, thus a very bad deal for everyone.
You cannot redeem a voucher onto an account without being logged in.#

This is intentional as to prevent people from redeeming codes without consent or wasting them on deactivated accounts!

  • If you want to gift someone an extension to their account, we recommend to eMail them the voucher to their monocles Account eMail instead with a link to this documentation attached.