Blocked on

List of Domains and Accounts blocked from

General Info# reserves the right to block and/or restrict any domain or account on the Fediverse from federating with it, for any reason whatsoever.

  • This is espechally true for domains that are known to host content that is outright illegal.

Whilst we do believe in free speech, that doesn't mean consequence - free speech!

  • - as any legitimate entity - has to comply with laws of the juristiction it resides within, and that is Germany.
By using you agree to our terms and conditions!#

If you don not want to do that, you are not allowed to use - period!

  • Non-useage of does not entitle a customer for a refund in full or part!

We believe that transparency is key to good moderation, as we want to provide that as much as we can.


We're willing to reconsider listings if the root cause for those have been remediated.

  • Nothing in this section shall be deemed or construed as non-willingness to comply with any reasonable request!

Blocked Instances and Services#

A general blocklist has been included due to spam, tracking, malvertising and malicious actors.

The blocklist can be found here and includes notorious privacy-invading services like: